Selasa, 01 Maret 2011


Lesson Plan

School : Junior High School
Subject : English
Grade/Semester : VII/1
Text Type : Expressing command and prohibition
Language Skill : Speaking
Time allotment : 2 x 45 minutes

1. Standard of Competence: 3. Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan trnasaksional dan interpersonal sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

2. Basic Competence: 3.2 Melakukan interaksi dengan lingkungan terdekat yang melibatkan tindak tutur memerintah atau melarang.

3. Indicators:
1. Recite vocabularies related to command and prohibition expressions.
2. Complete dialogues about command and prohibition orally.
3. Create dialogues which express command and prohibition based on situations given.

4. Instructional Objectives:

1. Students are able to recite vocabularies related to command and prohibition expressions.
2. Students are able to complete dialogues about command and prohibition orally.

3. Students are able to create dialogues which express command and prohibition based on situations given orally.

5. Instructional materials:
1. Flash video. (see folder ‘brainstorming’ & appendix)
2. Presentation slides about the expression of command and prohibition. (see folder ‘presentation’ & appendix)
3. Power Point Game “Who Wants to be A Champion?” (see folder ‘game’ and appendix)

6. Teaching Methods: Pre, whilst, post Activities

7. Teaching and Learning Activities:
Teacher Students
1. Teacher shows students some pictures of public signs from flash video as a brainstorming.
2. After showing the picture, the teacher asks “What are they?” and click the words “What are they?” in the flash movie to check whether students’ answer is right or wrong.
3. Then, the teacher gives another questions to maximize students’ prior knowledge about public signs which are related to command and prohibition expression. For example:
a. Where do you find those signs?
b. What do public signs/traffic signs function?
4. Teacher clicks “next” in the flash movie to give oral exercises related to the signs by mentioning the meaning of each picture given, for example:
What does it mean?
5. The teacher clicks the picture in the flash movie to check whether the students’ answer is true or not
6. After finishing the exercises, the teacher tells that public signs are related to the topic that they are going to discuss today, it is expressing command and prohibition. 1. Students pay attention to the pictures of public signs from flash video as a brainstorming.
2. Students guess what the pictures are by relating the pictures to the the symbols that they have ever found in their daily live. They know whether their answer is true or false after the teacher clicks the word “What are they?” in the flash movie.
3. Students answer the questions based on their own knowledge. For example:
a. We find those signs on the road.
b. They function as prohibition and command.
4. Students answer the questions orally by mentioning the meaning of each picture given in the flash movie, for example:
It means “No littering!”
5. Students know their answer is true if it is similar with the meaning that is shown in the flash movie.
6. Students prepare to learn about expressing command and prohibition.

Teacher Students
1. Teacher show the slides of command and prohibition expression.
2. Teacher explains how to express prohibition based on the pictures. For example:
Don’t pick the flower up!
3. Teacher shows other pictures and tells how to give command based on the pictures. For example:
 Mop the floor!
4. Teacher asks students to listen and repeat the expressions based on the pictures, for example:
Don’t pick the flower up!
 Mop the floor!
5. Teacher explains the patterns of command expression.
V+Noun phrase+...
6. Then teacher shows the patterns of prohibition expression.
No+ Ving/Noun
7. Teacher gives the examples of command and prohibition expression and tells how to give response to the expression. For example:
Command & prohibition expression:
Come here!
Be careful!
No cheating!
No problem
8. Teacher asks students to work in pairs to do exercise A and B from the slides.
9. In excercise A, the teacher asks students to rearrange the jumbled dialogues and practice the dialogues. For example, dialogue 1:
Going towards the classroom
Ruben: Let’s not talk.
Adit : Hear the bell?
Rubben: Yes. Let’s go.
Adit : Right. Let’s just go in.
Teacher: Line up, please!
10. Teacher asks students to do the next exercise from the slide. They are asked to complete the blank dialogues orally. For example:

11. Teacher shows the answer of the exercise and asks students to practice the complete dialogue.
12. Teacher gives applause and asks students to complete the second dialogue.
13. Teacher shows the answer of the exercise and asks students to practice the complete dialogue.
14. Teacher gives the last practice to students. They have to make dialogues based on certain situations.
15. Teacher choose each pair to act out one dialogue in front of the class.
16. After all pairs act out the dialogues, the teacher tells students about the next activity.
17. Teacher gives a power point game to students and tell the rules.
18. Teacher will operate the power point game.
19. Teacher chooses a student randomly from their presence numbers to play the game by clicking

20. The player must answer all the questions to get the medals so that he/she can complete the level.
21. Teacher allows the other students to help the player answering the questions.
22. At the end of the game, the teacher told that students who haven’t played the game still have chances to play it next meeting with different questions based on the topic that will be discussed. 1. Students pay attention to the slides of command and prohibition expression.
2. Students understand how to express prohibition based on the pictures. For example:
Don’t pick the flower up!
3. Students pay attention to the pictures and learn how to give command based on the picture. For example:
 Mop the floor!
4. Students listen and repeat the expressions based on the pictures, for example:
Don’t pick the flower up!
 Mop the floor!
5. Students understand the patterns of command expression, they are:
a. V+Noun phrase+...
b. Be+Non-Verb
6. They also know the patterns of prohibition expression, they are:
a. Don’t+V+...
b. No+ Ving/Noun
7. Students know the examples of command and prohibition expression and know how to give response to the expression. For example:
Command & prohibition expression:
Come here!
Be careful!
No cheating!
No problem
8. Students work in pairs to do exercise A and B from the slides.

9. Students rearrange the jumbled dialogues and practice the dialogues. Two students practice the first dialogue.
1. Going towards the classroom
Ruben: Let’s not talk.
Adit : Hear the bell?
Rubben: Yes. Let’s go.
Adit : Right. Let’s just go in.
Teacher: Line up, please!
10. Students do the next exercise. They complete the blank dialogues orally. For example:
Tia : Mira, come here, please!
Mira: Okay, What’s up?
Tia : Help me carry this, please!
Mira: Sure

11. Students check their answers with the answer in the slides and they practice the complete dialogue.
12. Students complete the second dialogue.

13. Students check their answers with the answer in the slides and they practice the complete dialogue.
14. Students do the last practice. They work in pairs to make dialogues based on the situations.
15. Each pair acts out one dialogue in front of the class.
16. Students have done the practice and listen to the teacher to know the next activity that they will do.
17. Students pay attention to the teacher’s explanation about the rules.
18. Each student has equal chance to be the player.
19. The student whose presence number is chosen randomly will play the game.

20. There are four questions to be answered by the player so that he/she can complete the level.
21. The other students can help the player to answer the questions.
22. Students who haven’t played the game prepare theirself for the next game and prepare to study the lesson for the next meeting.

Teacher Students
1. Teacher reviews the lesson about command and prohibition expression.
2. Teacher asks students whether they have difficulties about the lesson. For example: “do you have any difficulties, class?”
3. Teacher gives homework for students to be done in a group of four.
“Students, work in a group of four and you have to make a role play which expresses command and prohibition. And the role play will be performed next week.” 1. Students remember the expression of command and prohibition.
2. Students share their difficulties to the teacher if they still do not understand. For example: “we are still confused about making the dialogue, ma’am”.
3. Students make groups that consist of four students to make a role play.

8. Learning resources:
1. Kumalarini, T, et al. (2008). Contextual Language and Teaching: Bahasa Inggris SMP kelas VII. Fourth edition. Jakarta: Pusbuk Depdiknas.
2. Priyana, J, et al.(2008). Scaffolding: English for junior High School Grade VII. Jakarta: Pusbuk Depdiknas
3. Wardiman, A, et al. (2008). English in Focus: for Grade VII Junior High School. Jakarta: Pusbuk Depdiknas
4. Teacher’s flash video.
5. Teacher’s PPT slides
6. Teacher’s PPT game

9. Assessment :

Indicators Techniques Types Examples
1. Recite vocabularies related to command and prohibition expressions.

2. Identify dialogues about command and prohibition.

3. Create dialogues which express command and prohibition based on situations given. Oral


Oral Non-Test


Test Mention the meaning of each picture given!
 No littering!

• Rearrange the sentences into the correct order!
1. Going towards the classroom
Ruben : Let’s not talk.
Adit : Hear the bell?
Rubben : Yes. Let’s go.
• Fill in the blank dialogue with the suitable words given!
Jane : Mira, …....… here, please.
• Choose one of these situations and make a dialogue based on the situations orally!
1. You prohibit your mother to enter garage because the door is under construction.
2. Your father prohibit you to go to Bidadari Island because the high tide.

Proficiency Description 1 2 3 4 5 6
Accent 0 1 2 2 3 4
Grammar 6 12 18 24 30 36
Vocabulary 4 8 12 16 20 24
Fluency 2 4 6 8 10 12
Comprehension 4 8 12 15 19 23
Total Score

Rating Scale:
a. Accent
1. Pronunciation frequently unintelligible.
2. Frequent gross errors and a very heavy accent make understanding difficult, require frequent repetition.
3. “Foreign accent” requires concentrated listening and mispronunciation lead to occasional misunderstanding and apparent errors in grammar or vocabulary.
4. Marked “foreign accent” and occasional mispronunciations which do not interfere with understanding.
5. No conspicuous mispronunciations, but would not be taken for a native speaker.
6. Native pronunciation, which no trace of “foreign accent”.
b. Grammar
1. Grammar almost entirely inaccurate except in stock phrases.
2. Constant errors showing control of very few major patterns and frequently preventing communication.
3. Frequent errors showing some major patterns uncontrolled and causing occasional irritation and misunderstanding.
4. Occasional errors showing imperfect control of some patterns but no weakness that causing misunderstanding.
5. Few errors, with no patterns of failure.
6. No more than two errors during the interview.
c. Vocabulary
1. Vocabulary inadequate for even the simplest conversation.
2. Vocabulary limited to basic personal and survival areas (time, food, transportation, family, etc.)
3. Choice of words sometimes inaccurate, limitation of vocabulary prevent discussion of some common professional and social topics
4. Professional vocabulary adequate to discuss special interest; general vocabulary permits discussion of any non-technical subject with some circumlocutions.
5. Professional vocabulary broad and precise; general vocabulary adequate to cope with complex practical problems and varied social situation.
6. Vocabulary apparently as accurate and extensive as that of an educated native speaker
d. Fluency
1. Speech is so halting and fragmentary that conversation is virtually impossible.
2. Speech is very slowly and uneven except for short or routine sentences.
3. Speech is frequently hesitant and jerky; sentences may be left uncompleted.
4. Speech is occasionally hesitant, with some unevenness caused by rephrasing and grouping for words.
5. Speech is effortless and smooth, but perceptibly non-native in speed and evenness.
6. Speech is on all professional and general topics as effortless and smooth as a native speaker’s.
e. Comprehension
1. Understand too little for the simplest type of conversation.
2. Understands only slow, very simple speech on common social and touristic topic; requires constant repetition and rephrasing.
3. Understand careful, somewhat simplified speech directed to him, with considerable repetition and rephrasing.
4. Understands quite well normal educated speech directed to him, but requires occasional repetition and rephrasing.
5. Understands everything in normal educated conversation except for every colloquial or low-frequency items, or exceptionally rapid or slurred speech.
6. Understands everything in both formal and colloquial speech to be expected of an educated native speaker.
10. Instrument : Exercises in the form of dialogues.
A. Vocabulary work (Brainstorming)
Public Signs/Traffict Signs:

B. Vocabulary Exercises
Mention the meaning of each picture given!


C. Command and Prohibition Expression
Prohibition Expression:

Don’t pick up the flowers! Don’t turn off the computer! Don’t be noisy!

Don’t break the rules anymore! Don’t write on the wall! Do not enter the room!

Command Expression:

Wash the clothes, please! Tidy up your bed, please!

Mop the floor, please! Water the plants, please!

D. The patterns of command and prohibition expression
The patterns of command expression:
• V+Noun phrase+...
• Be+Non-Verb
The patterns of prohibition expression:
• Don’t+V+...
• No+ Ving/Noun
• Open the door, please!
• Come here!
• Be careful!
• Don’t make a noise!
• No cheating!

E. Exercises
I. Rearrange the sentences into the correct order and practice the dialogues with your partner!
1. Going towards the classroom
Ruben : Let’s not talk.
Adit : Hear the bell?
Rubben: Yes. Let’s go.
Adit : Right. Let’s just go in.
Teacher: Line up, please!
2. Anto is leaving for school.
Anto : I won’t, Mum.
Anto : Bye, Mum.
Mother : Bye, Anto. Take care. Don’t receive anything—candies or chocolates—from anybody.
3. In front of a food store
Randy : OK, Mum. Buy me some chocolate, please.
Mother : Randy, I’ll go in to get some food stuff. Please stay and keep an eye
on the motorcycle.
Randy : Sure, Mum.
Mother : I will. Don’t talk to strangers.
4. Mrs. Green is leaving for work.
Clay : yeB, uMm.
Mrs. Green : Get up, please, Clay!
Clay : No worries, Mum.
Mrs. Green : Come on. Have shower.
Clay : In a minute, Mum.
Mrs. Green : Then have breakfast, okay?
Clay : Just a second, Mum.
Mrs. Green : I am leaving. Bye.

II. Fill in the blanks and practice the dialogues!
1. Jane : Mira, …....… here, please.
Mira : Okay. What’s ...……?
Jane : …..… me carry this, please!
Mira : ….......

2. Clay : Okay! now, let’s …..… the exercise.
Mawar : Okay. Let’s do it.
Clay : ……... down here, please.
Mawar : Thank you.
Clay : Let’s ….................… the words.
Mawar : Sure. And then?
Clay : Then we ….…........ them with the pictures.
Mawar : Okay. I … ......… it.

III. Make a dialogue based on the situations orally!
1. You prohibit your mother to enter garage because the door is under construction.
2. Your mother wants to leave the house earlier, she tells what you have to do at home.
3. Your best friend prohibits you to ride your bicycle because the road is slippery.
4. You prohibit your deskmate to cheat in the exam because it's a bad action.

F. Games “ Who Wants to be a Champion?”
How to play:
• Choose the player by clicking
• Start the game from level 1 by clicking .
• Answer four questions in each level to get the medals.
• You can’t continue the game if you can’t answer the question.
• Choose another player to play the game again.

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